Choose JBS to Reach Your Customers
and Stimulate Sales.
What Can We Do For You? How Can We Work Together?
We put ourselves in the place of your order to see what they want - to understand their perspectives and their needs.
Our approach to marketing is that it’s all about the reader – your audience – and how your products and services benefit them.​
If you want to increase your online visibility, credibility and profitability through exceptional web content and social media presence, We're the ones for you.
Our events are more than putting on a show. They influence how people work together, how they fit into the corporate landscape and how your corporate culture is promoted internally and externally.
We're easy to work with. Easy to talk with, and a proven collaborator, who actively listens in order to communicate effectively. Nothing fake. No BS. Just straight up consultation, advice, and ability to get the job done.
Does Experience Count? Of Course It Does!
We started out producing catalogs, brochures, packaging, promotional posters, press releases, and even speeches. We learned quickly what worked - and more importantly - what didn't - when it came to informing stakeholders and motivating customers to buy.
For over 35 years - since those humble beginnings in corporate America - we've received recognition for ingenuity, commitment, and creativity when it comes to developing and carrying out campaigns and projects that drive business and stimulate customers.
And it didn't stop there. We continue training. We have trained American Writers & Artists Inc (AWAI)-trained writers and online marketing specialists on staff.
What does this mean to you?
This means you're getting experienced professionals who can work by your side. Who continue to update and grow.
You can be confident in our marketing communications abilities and background.
You get results-oriented marketing drawn from my experience. To create messages for you that increase the effectiveness of all your marketing communications tools and strategies.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation and project proposal today!